Monday 3 November 2008

Ban this filth

I realise that the colour scheme is a bit harsh what with all the red and black, and whilst I do like my horror I consider myself a well-rounded individual, however everything else is currently out of that window as I am fully submerged in the grim world of Dead Space on the XBox 360.

In ten words or less - alien virus infests ship, kills crew, uses corpses as putty. Obviously there is more plot than that (although nothing too revolutionary to be honest), but its the graphics, sound and setting that make the atmosphere so oppressive that everyone who has played it has reacted in some way. One 23-year-old IC4 male simultaneously screamed and recoiled from the screen exclaiming he didn't want to play any more whilst tucking himself into the gap between my neck and shoulder and handing me the controller - it is scary.

The main issue comes from the fact that the hellish "necromorphs" (necro for death, morph for transform or alternatively a bowling pin that is struck by a ball but moves without falling over, though the first definition is probably more apt) can only be killed by blowing off their limbs as they howl their terrible cries and sprint towards you. Think of listening to a lion roaring at a screaming cheerleader who is eating a hot potato in a nursery, all the while fighting a headless, legless, one-armed crab demon with body parts strewn everywhere that just keeps on coming until you sever that final hand with a remote-controlled buzz-saw, all in top-notch high-definition graphics. Even the infants onboard are turned into freakish four-legged nasties that can crawl along ceilings and literally eat your face clean off.

Add to that zero-gravity sections that allow you to traverse the exterior of the ship, crossing vacuums with a limited air supply (and the inability to hear anything that may be happening dangerously close behind you) and the ability to slow time and you have an idea why it is a lot of fun and 'enjoyable' to play.

Watch the trailer with the link on the left and also take this as my excuse for not writing something in a few days!

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